Friday, June 22, 2012

Pecha Kucha Night in Winnipeg

I was honoured to be asked to speak at the 10th Pecha Kucha Night hosted by the Manitoba Chapter of the Graphic Designers of Canada (GDC) in Winnipeg.

I was billed as a 'tech advocate' for the evening, and this was my first attempt at delivering a Pecha Kucha presentation...

Enjoy :-)


John Evans said...

Andy, once again an amazing presentation!

Thanks for your willingness to freely share your knowledge, expertise and passion!


Mike said...

Hey Andy, excellent job - as expected. Your passion for learning comes through - digital or not!

Phil Taylor said...

Glad you posted your presentation. Thanks for sharing your passion.

Dean Shareski said...

Nicely done Andy

Andy McKiel said...

Thanks for the kind words John, Mike, Phil & Dean :-)

I was quite surprised by how nervous I was prior to my Pecha Kucha talk - I think there's something about the rigid presentation format that challenges speakers...