Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Twitter 'follower' Mosaics

Image: 'Poster #2 - Test Run' - www.flickr.com/photos/94832693@N00/7966141

It's been far too long since I posted here. I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to tie up too many loose ends. Combine this with preparing a whole bunch of sessions and the keynote address for the upcoming BYTE Conference, and it leaves me with little time to post on my blog.

And then there's Twitter. Over the last month, my Twitter network has doubled in size and I'm finding that the nature of my blog reading has changed. I rely less heavily on my RSS aggregator and pay more attention to the trends and discussions that are surfacing in my Twitter feed instead. I still read the same blogs, and discover new blogs, but I hear about and read the latest posts long before I read about them in my blog reader.

I love this Twitter Follower Mosaic tool that I first discovered in a recent post on Rodd Lucier's blog. I found many new people to follow, and have been privy to many great discussions by building off of other people's Twitter networks.

Click on any avatars in the following mosaic to find a few more people to follow in your own Twitter network :-)

Get your twitter mosaic here.

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